Manhattan Center Studios Scores with Elliot Goldenthal

Article posted August 11, 2003 at MixOnline | Web Archive |

Oscar-winning composer Elliot Goldenthal recently used Manhattan Center’s Grand Ballroom to record the score for the upcoming Sony Pictures film, “S.W.A.T.”, with a 92-piece orchestra.

Goldenthal and music producer Teese Gohl (pictured, left, with film director Clark Johnson) worked with a team of about 20 people, including seven Manhattan Center Studios’ engineers and assistants.

The entire scoring process from pre-recording to mixing covered a span of 22 days and occupied two studios. For five days, engineer Joel Iwataki recorded the orchestra using two Pro Tools|HD systems in Studio7, while Stephen McLaughlin created the 5.1 mix in Studio 4.

Pictured: Engineers Stephen McLaughlin and Joel Iwataki take a break from recording the “S.W.A.T.” score in Studio 7.

“It was good to have film scoring back in New York and at the Manhattan Center,” said studio sales manager Richie Clarke.

⬅ Elliot Goldenthal Directory