Candid Moments in the Winners' Circle

Article by Claude Brodesser and Jonathan Bing published January 20, 2003 in Variety vol. 278 no. 13

Elliot Goldenthal, winner of original score, briefly thanked “the gentle folks at Miramax” during his acceptance speech. The movie was a subtle reference to the ugly and heated screaming match he’d had with Miramax’s Harvey Weinstein, who at a test screening of “Frida” dated Goldenthal to defend his wife Julie Taymor, director of the film, so that Weinstein could beat him up.

Asked if he’s work for Miramax again and Harvey Weinstein ever again, he smiled and said, “One almost comes to blows with many people in life. If you’re going to come to blows with Harvey, you have to kill him, or he’s going to kill you. But I would work with them again, if they continue to make the Frida Kahlos of the world [appear on screen].”

⬅ Elliot Goldenthal Directory